Warts are caused by a virus called the human papillomavirus (HPV). This virus stimulates the top layer of the skin to grow rapidly, thereby giving rise to the formation of a skin wart. formation of a skin wart. The virus may easily spread from an infected person to another person through direct skin-to-skin contact while shaking hands or sharing objects like a towel. Warts can also spread from a mother to her foetus, if she becomes pregnant, or gives birth while infected by the virus.


In some cases, warts may disappear on their own without any treatment, but this may not always be the case. Some warts are ‘stubborn’ and need an appropriate wart treatment. While there are a lot of treatment options available for warts in conventional medicine, they may come with a host of side-effects like blistering and discolouration of skin, pain and scarring. Also, the chances of recurrence are high with conventional wart treatment. This is because conventional medicines treat the disorder superficially and don’t go to the root cause of it. Homeopathy does just the opposite. It not only treats the physical symptoms of warts but also corrects the underlying cause of it, thereby giving permanent results to the sufferer
Some Warts Cases Treated by Roshan Homeo Clinic